Thursday, June 16, 2011

Baby Heartbeat Flickers

Our ultrasound went great...they are dating us at 6 weeks 1 day...we even got to see the little heart beating! <3<3<3

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ultrasound Tomorrow

So tomorrow morning we have another ultrasound.  We should be able to see the little one or at least the yolk sac and fetal pole this time.  We are really hopeful that everything is great!  I dont really have any feelings that things are wrong like I did with both Rowan and Alivia.  I am really happy to feel so peacefully pregnant.  I am still scared to death, but I am trying to be as un-stressed and relaxed as possible.  Making sure to take extra care of myself.  I dont think I will stop being scared until I hold the new little one.  We are super hopeful and staying positive.  Lots of hoping and praying for a healthy little bean.

I will update tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Want To Know What Is New In Colorado???

Much to our surprise there is something very new, and rather exciting going on here...

Baby 5.0 is cooking away....

It was not something we planned for right now, but we are excited...and as excited as we are, we are nervous, and scared.

We had an ultrasound on June 2nd to try and figure out how far along we are...they were able to to tell that we were pregnant, or at least that my body is producing the HCG hormone, but it was too early to see anything I went in for a blood draw the evening of June 3rd to test progesterone and HCG.  Progesterone came back at over 15 which is good and HCG was right on for a 4 to 5 week pregnancy.  Went in again for another blood draw first thing in the morning, June 6th, to make sure the levels were going up, and the results were that the hormone had MORE than doubled within just over 2 that is GREAT!!!

Now we are just waiting to get far enough along to see the little bean on ultrasound....we are scheduled to go back in for a follow up ultrasound on June then we should be able to see something.

We are excited, but hesitated to even share the news until we had the next ultrasound.  However, after the blood tests, our midwife thinks that everything looks good and we are just early.  So we thought we would spread the news to those who wanted to read it....We will do a BIG announcement once we have the next ultrasound <3

We survived the flats challenge

so we made it thought the challenge!!!! (challenge rules and details here)...I do apologize for the lack of blog the last couple days of the challenge...we got really busy and I kept forgetting to get on and share....

In the end, if I had to do this everyday  I WOULD!  I think it is super do-able...although I am a stay at home mom I really think that a working mom could do this...It took me all of 15-20 minutes a night to rinse, wash, rinse, rinse, wring and hang my diapers!!!  By morning they were dry and ready for another day of use...I have heard that some families had a hard time getting their diapers to dry due to humidity...we live in a dry area, and although it rained a lot the week we did the challenge, I had no issues with mine drying...they took about 5 hours to dry.   I did here a lot of interesting drying techniques from families that were having trouble, drying them in front of a fan, blow dryer ???  Not sure how I feel about that one, or another mom who attached them to the ceiling fan....I must admit there were lots of die hard semi-crunchy moms who took part in the challenge and I love how they really committed...

When I see the final reports come out, I will share.