Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Second guessing...trouble coping....

Having a tough time coping lately...

A week from tomorrow will be one year since we saw our little girl on ultrasound without a flicker of movement and a still heart.  She would be born sleeping the next morning. 

Honestly I am still VERY scared for my health and bitty's health as we continue this pregnancy....I have found myself checking for his heartbeat more and prompting movement from him when he is quiet.  Thankfully he is a super active little guy (a lot like Ayden) because it reassures me that he is ok...

Ive found myself having trouble leaving the house even...i 'want' to get out of the house...but once i get around others i feel sick, and start to feel like im having a panic makes simple tasks like getting groceries tough.

I spend much of my time remindibg myself to relax and breathe...I often feel like im holding my breath all trying hard to focus on de-stressing and trying not to over think things....

I hope it gets easier..but this month so far really stinks!