Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 5

Today was day 5 of the Flats and Handwashing Challenge (details here)

Not a ton to write about today...I have been on my own all day, hubby had to work late...he is still working...

Nothing to spectacular today.  Just a normal day...I got diapers washed while the boys were up and they really liked helping...because we washed mid afternoon it was a pretty small load.  7 flats 1 Pul cover.

I am pretty tired, I cleaned almost the whole house today, need to mop floors, clean boys bathroom and finish laundry.   I have a lot of crocheting to work on...several custom orders-which I LOVE!!!  So I am going to go get busy!   Hope everyone had a great day.

Todays Random Cuteness:

Found Levi playing in the baskets of clean clothes lol...

He was trying to put his big brother's underwear on his head lol

Ayden was literally working on the railroad today....he got all talented and decided to 'hammer' the pieces together :)

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 4

It was day 4 of the Flats and Handwashing Challenge (details here)

We had an interesting day.  We were out late last night and the boys didnt get to bed until 2 hours past normal bedtime, so I knew today would be fun. ;)  As always they were both up by 6am.  Shockingly they both took 2 naps today, one from around 10am-12 and another around 3-5:30pm...I was stunned that they took two naps, but even more stunned at how easy it was to get them to lay down.  Both times, they started to get a bit wild and I told them that they needed to lay in bed and calm down for 20 minutes, and they were both out within 10-15 minutes each time....

So while the extra napping was all fine and dandy, I had a lot more pee to clean up today than usual.  EVERY nap Levi peed out of his flat and woolie....oh, and of course he was sleeping in the playpen when it happened...anyone have tips for cleaning that thing :( ?????????

Because I am not sure if it was the diaper, or the wool, or the fact that he is a boy and was sleeping on his tummy;  I re-lanolized the 2 woolies that leaked.  I am hoping that they are dry by morning so I dont have to rely on my PUL cover although the pad fold works well in that when he decides he doesnt want to sit still for a change.

Since my PUL cover was in the wash pile along with the wool tonight, I pad folded 2 flats and inserted them into a pocket diaper.  Since we only have 4 of the limited 5 covers in a rotation this didnt break the rules, this will act as our 5th cover.

Todays wash contained 7 flats, 1 wool longie, 1 wool shortie and 1 Thirsties Duo Cover.  No dancing tonight :(  I just used the Camp Style Washer.

Today's Random Cuteness

Levi said 'I love you' for the first time today.  (of course it sounded a bit different, but we totally understood what he meant)  Not only did he say it once, he said it 3 times!!!!  Twice for me and once for my husband when he got home.  Oh man I tell you what, that melted my heart!  I cryed for a while after....It makes me so proud that he is communicating and expressing himself!   OH, and he also stood for 5 seconds unassisted this evening.  He only fell because he tried to take a step <3

Ayden was pretty cuddly today which I always enjoy and soak up as much as I can.  Other than the snuggling he had a great day of ball pit play.  Most of the day he was in that pit, I forgot to pull out my camera so no pictures of him playing in it today, but I did manage to nab a couple of him putting the balls away for the night <3

Here is in flight to see dad who walked in the door from work as I snapped the picture! lol

There is his handsome smile :) 

Packing them away for the night, Levi behind in his walker...He is starting to figure it out. 

 I hope everyone else had a great day today and far less leaking than I.    <3

Flats Challenge Day 4, May 26

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dancing My Way To Clean Diapers On Day 3

Today was day 3 of the Flats and Handwashing Challenge.   We had an AWESOME day-find out why in Today's Random Cuteness at the end of this blog :)

So today I decided that I wanted to wash my 9 flats and 1 receiving blanket different than the past 2 days.  Considering the incredible amount of upper body strength {yeah right :) } I am gaining churning diaper butter I thought it would be nice to equal it out with lower body strength taking that into consideration along with my strange desire to dance tonight, I decided to dance my diapers clean.  Who said that washing the diapers cant be a party, right?  I have to entertain myself some how (haha)  I tossed the diapers in the bottom of the tub, ran some hot water and danced over each diaper.  Drained the tub and did it again to wash and then with 2 final rinses.  I really felt like I was blessing my diapers,  they got to watch me dance and get super clean in the process.  I know it probably sounds silly, but somedays I have to just sit back and laugh at really is a good thing I swear :D  Diapers are hanging happily on the rack drying now.


Todays Randome Cuteness:  Lets start todays cuteness off with a video....
That is right, you saw it!  Our precious little Levi took his first push walker assisted steps today.  This is a HUGE deal for us!  At just over 20 months he is figuring out that there is more to getting around than scooting on your butt <3  Oh it makes me want to cry.  I am so extremely proud of him, we have all fought to get him to this point, but he has fought the hardest....Those are the first steps toward his wonderful future!  I know he is going to touch so many hearts, more than he already has!

So after this eventful morning we realized that he was really ready for a walker, you know, the kind where he can strengthen his legs in confidence that he wont fall flat on his face.  So after spending some time looking on craigslist, we couldnt really find any used ones near us.  So we went and got him a new one, which his big brother is in love with.  Yes, Levi has a Lightning McQueen walker and Ayden wishes it was his lol...I am sorry but that just cracks me up!

I hope you all had a great day, here is to another ROCKIN' day tomorrow <3

Flats and Handwashing Challenge Day 3: May 25

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Flats And Handwashing Challenge Day 2

The morning of day 2 started off with a VERY happy mommy!  There was a dry bed to be found :)  in fact levi could have pee'd quite a bit more and the triple layer origami fold flat would have been fine.  I was super thrilled to find out that there was a less expensive solution to night time cloth.  We have been using Bamboozle Fitted Diapers at night with a ton of success  but at $20.00 a pop it can get really costly.  We currently have 2 and I had to make sure I had at least one clean every night because he pees out of everything else we own at night.  I am super excited to know that we now have an alternative when I get lazy and skip diaper laundry for a couple days. 

We decided to try a couple new folds today, here is the diaper bag fold....(tutorial here)

It just doesnt work for me.  I ran into the same issue as I do with pre-folds.  Not quite enough material to reach around his belly, and it looks pinch-y to me. 

Woolie with Diaper Bag Fold 

We also tried the kite fold again today, but still have trouble getting it to fit right.


So the wash for the day consisted of 7 flats and 2 receiving blankets.  I washed in 2 separate loads because there were 2 poopy diapers among them and I wanted to make sure everything was spic-n-span :)

I have had a couple people ask how I managed to get 3 flats onto Levi at one time so I took some pictures as I folded his night time diaper today.  Here is how I got it to work for us....

 Lay 3 flats out stacked on top of each other....

Fold in half 

Then again... 

At the corner where all of the edges meet grab the top 3 layers and pull towards the opposite side.

once you pull it straight across it should look like a triangle on top... 

Now flip the entire thing over and start to fold in the edge that is still square... 

Keep folding until it is centered on the triangle... 

As you can see it is a pretty thick diaper, but almost all of the absorbency is located right where it is needed 

Here he is all diapered for the night in a Thirsties Duo Wrap Size 2 (our wool needed to air out tonight) 

I am ready for the coconut rub down mom....

WARNING:  Today's Random Cuteness to follow!!!

Ayden needed to have a picture too (this was when I was taking pictures of Levis Diaper Bag folded flat)

Levi loves his brother!!!


I hope everyone else had an awesome second day! <3

Flats and Handwashing Challenge Day 2, May 24 

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 1 draws to a close...

So day one has officially ended for us.  The boys are in bed, and our flats are washed and hanging to dry.  Our total # of diapers used today was 10. Levi rocked 2 at nap and is rocking 3 in bed for the night now.  

I would say the first day was a success.  We only had 1 leak and I am pretty sure it was a malfunction of the cover that caused it.  

Here he is in a single layer flat, oragami fold:

Look mom I can do the splits:

awe he is just so cute! <3 

'Yup its comfy mom' 

We had to get some big brother shots too, he sat down and told me that he was going to 'cheeeeeesssseee tooo" lol

upside down shot :) 

So far I really like the origami fold.  I havent gotten the other folds to fit him nearly as well.  So I think we are going to stick with this one.

Here he is rocking a triple flat origami fold....I just layed all 3 out flat completly unfolded and did my fold with all 3 peices, the fit was great and not any bulkier than our bamboozles that we usually use for night time...infact I actually think it fits, we will see if his bed stays dry. 

This silly boy always has his piggies in the air <3

 All woolied up for night time!

LOVE chunky diaper bottoms
(silly lil nut is after the coconut oil)

From behind....oooo I could just bite him ;)

Here is what our days worth of diapers amounted to:
6 flats and 1 receiving blanket

I am sure we have less diaper laundry than some will especially since we only have 1 PUL cover in our rotation, and it will be the last one I ever pick is the backup in case all our wool is wet-another thing I love about wool-dont have to wash it everytime we use it!

I have mixed feelings about the close of day one, oddly I am mostly sad....wish there were more hours in the day.  Today was great!  1 day down 6 to go.

Your Mountains Are So Far From Mine.

I was just thinking of how much I miss all my family and friends.  I really took for granted just how close an hour away was...

My bestie moved to Tennessee in December 2010, and then we moved out here to Colorado in March 2011....I often think of how strange it is that we both moved to mountains, but that they are on opposite ends of the country...When we were younger we were pretty much inseparable, but as we grew older we spent less and less time together, and less and less time chatting as we grew into our new roles as wives and mothers. We had in some ways lost touch until moving so far apart as life had taken us both down similar but different paths, and we saw each other face to face around ever 4-6 months.  We now talk (all be it primarily online) nearly every day.  It feels great to have her back in my life more.  I have missed her.  I just wish I could hug her from way over her lol.

The Challenge Begins! Day 1!

So today is the day.  Today we start the Flats and Handwashing Challenge...Just so happens that the hubby got to kick it off with the first diaper change of the day.  :)  He did a pretty good job too.

Last Friday I started prepping my flats, I couldn't bring myself to put them into the washing machine due to the nature of the challenge so I boiled them in 2 batches of 6 on the stove with a small squirt of dawn.

Then I used rinsed them until there were no more sudsy bubbles.

I gave the my Camp Style Washer a go with a couple dirty flats from trying different fits and folds, as well as to wash a pair of undies from my older son.

Here is our Camp Style Washer all ready to go...

Filling with water for our initial rinse:

Close the lid:

And start washing...Think churning butter :)

After draining the rinse water:

 Filling with HOT water for the wash cycle:

I added 1 tsp of Rockin Green Diaper Detergent:

Here is what our water looked like...pretty murky, these were pretty clean diapers tho, only a little pee :) 

 The water after the final rinse-no sudsy bubbles, and clear water:

 Then we wrung them out well and hung to dry on our drying rack:
Ayden decided to help and also though he should 'dry' his snuggle blanket <3

 3 Clean diapers (receiving blankets) and 1 pair of clean Lighting McQueen undies lol

They came out nice and clean, no issues.  It was not at all hard either, the whole process took me around 10-15 minutes to complete

Saturday and Sunday we separated our stash and parted with our 'luxury diapers'

The new stash on the left and luxury dipes/pail liners/boosters ect on the right.

Our stash for this week consists of the following:

12 Swaddlebee's flats
10 Old receiving blankets as emergency back up or doublers for outings/bed time
3 Wool Covers (1 Longie, 1 Shortie, and 1 wrap)
1 PUL cover (Thirsties Duo Wrap Size 2)
Cloth wipes
Wipe spray-we make our own with some water, a squirt of baby soap and a couple drops of essential oil
Coconut oil-for sore/red bottom

So far we are doing well...We have 3 dirty flats in the bucket.  Levi has on a doubled flat since it is nap time, and Ayden has had no accidents lol.

I promise to have pictures of Levi in the flats tonight or NEVER sits still long when its changing time, but I WILL get at least 1.

There are lots of families that are taking this challenge, and lots of them are bloggers, I look forward to reading everyone's experience.

Flats and Handwashing Challenge Linky for Monday, May 23

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